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Rainforest facts

John Ashcroft can't catch terrorists, prosecutes greenpeace?

In 2002, Greenpeace held a protest against a cargo ship smuggling illegal mahogany wood from the Brazilian Amazon rainforest into a Miami port. In swift response, Attorney General John Ashcroft prosecuted Greenpeace, and leveled no charges at the smugglers.

John Ashcroft went to extraordinary lengths, digging up an obscure 1872 law against "sailormongering" a law designed to prevent brothel owners from boarding ships and luring sailors to their establishments.

John Ashcroft failed to get one conviction out of the more than 5000 terrorist suspects and had little success imposing his right-wing Christian values. Ironically, he repeatedly violated the Constitution including over-turning voter approved measures protected under "State Rights" part of constitution which says anything not addressed in the Constitution shall fall to the state level.

His efforts as attorney general were focused on attempting to impose the right-wing Christian agenda his financial backers believed in. Sadly, these actions were taken against Constitutional voter-approved laws relating to euthanasia, medical marijuana, and gay marriage.


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