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Random Facts

Camel facts

Is there a milk that won't curdle?

Camel milk does not curdle.


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Camel survival fact

Camels have three eyelids to protect themselves from blowing sand.


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How much do you love your library?

Abdul Kassem Ismael, Grand Vizier of Persia in the tenth century, carried his library with him wherever he went. The 117,000 volumes were carried by 400 camels which were trained to walk in alphabetical order.

Reference: Bizzare News

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How many humps does a camel have?

The Arabian camel or dromedary, has one back hump and the Bactrian camel, native to NE Asia, has two humps.


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What other animals besides cows provide milk used by humans for dairy products?

Sheep,goats,buffalo,horses,donkeys,camels,yaks,water buffalo,reindeer and zebras are also providers of milk.


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