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Psychology facts

Sadness May Encourage More Extravagance

A new study (2/08) suggests that sadness leads to shopping.

According to the study that will be published in the June 2008 number of Psychological Science, sadness leads to ego-centrist thinking. In other words, a sad person tends to transform into a shopaholic, willing to spend extra money on the same item than neutral-emotion people would buy for a lot less.

“It is the combination of sadness and self-focus that drives the effect, and it turns out that sadness leads to an increase in self-focus,” said Cynthia Cryder, co-author to the study, AFP quotes. “What we think is going on is that sad and self-focused people are feeling pretty bad about themselves and have a decreased valuation, and one way to do this is by acquiring material goods.”

Oh yeah, it also says this therapy does not work. If you’re sad and feel like shopping, don’t!

Reference: http://www.efluxmedia.com/news_Feeling_Sad_Shopping_Is_Not_The_Answer_Study_Warns_13799.html

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