Random FactsSolar factsHow much energy can the sun provide?According to the American Solar Energy Society, enough sunlight falls on the earth's surface each minute to meet world energy demand for an entire year. Reference: http://www.powerhousetv.com/
[ | Random facts | ] Tip for saving energy in the homeReplacing an electric water heater with a solar model can reduce water heat costs by 50 to 80 percent every year - and over the 20-year life of the equipment, more than 50 tons of carbon dioxide emissions will be displaced. Reference: http://www.powerhousetv.com/
[ | Random facts | ] Why use silicon to make photovoltaic cells?Silicon from one ton of sand, used in photovoltaic cells, could produce as much electricity as burning 500,000 tons of coal. Reference: http://www.powerhousetv.com/
[ | Random facts | ] What is the altitude of the sun relative to Earth ?The altitude of the sun varies throughout the year. On December 21st (sometimes the 22nd) the sun is 20 degrees above the horizon, it's lowest point of the year. On June 21st (sometimes the 20th) the sun is 65 degrees above the horizon, it's highest point of the year. Do you know what days these are? They are the winter & summer solstice. Reference: Winter Sun Design
[ | Random facts | ] A day when heavenly bodies alignOn July 1, 2015 Earth, Venus and Jupiter will be ordered on a single line. Reference:
[ | Random facts | ] The efficiency of converting sunlight to electricity in pv cellsThe company SunPower in 2008 announced 22% efficiency converting light to electricity. Current high-performance panels, on average, convert about 20 percent of the light that strikes it into electricity. Conventional silicon solar panels convert about 14 to 17 percent of light.The theoretical maximum is around 26 to 27 percent, although some have said it could go slightly higher. Reference: http://www.news.com/8301-10784_3-6114383-7.html
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