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Random Facts

Light facts

Facts about the electric utility industry

Since the first power plant (thomas edison's power plant) lit up 800 light bulbs in 1882, the electric utility industry has grown to generate over 2.5 million gigawatt-hours annually, the equivalent of lighting 4.8 billion 60-watt light bulbs for a year

Reference: http://www.powerhousetv.com/

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Nearsightedness farsightedness and how glasses work

Simply put, the eyeglass lens is a tool you use to focus light appropriately on your retina. For example, a lens that is concave, or curves inward, is used to correct nearsightedness, while a lens that is convex, or curves outward, is used to correct farsightedness.

Nearsightedness causes nearby objects to appear clear, while objects farther away look blurry. Farsightedness is where far away objects appear clear and objects up close appear blurry.

To correct astigmatism, which is caused by distortions in the shape of the cornea, a cylinder shaped lens is frequently used.

Reference: http://my.webmd.com/content/article/63/71988.htm?z=4051_00000_7000_to_07

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Random fact about lightning

Carnivorous animals will not eat another animal that has been hit by a lightning strike.


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A fact that may disturb

A cat's urine glows under a blacklight.


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One of lightning's many surprises

Lightning reaches 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit, fours times as hot as the sun's surface. Yet, unlike high voltage electrical injuries with which massive internal tissue damage may occur, lightning seldom causes substantial burns.

Reference: http://www.strikealert.com/LightningFacts.htm

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Amazing fact about the invention of the lighter

The cigarette lighter was invented before the match.


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Surprising fact about the interstate highways

The Eisenhower interstate system requires that one mile in every five must be straight. These straight sections are usable as airstrips in times of war or other emergencies.


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What color is a beam of white light?

A beam of white light is made up of all the colours in the spectrum. The range extends from red to violet, with orange, yellow, green and blue in between. But there is one colour that is notable by its absence, pink (or magenta, to use its official name) simply isn’t there.

Reference: http://www.null-hypothesis.co.uk/science/strange-but-true/profs-probings/colour_spectrum_magenta_complimentary_bizarre

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Which came first, the lighter or the match?

The cigarette lighter was invented before the match.


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What is the longest flight caused by a propane explosion?

A railroad tanker car carrying propane traveled over 3,000 feet when it exploded during a train wreck in Illinois, sheering off a steel tower in it's path. It's the longest flight on record for a propane explosion.

Reference: Bizzare News

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Fact about the old US ten-dollar bill

There are four cars and eleven light posts on the back of a ten-dollar bill.


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Where does a goldfish get it's color?

If you keep a goldfish in the dark room, it will eventually turn white.


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An example of the economy of scale

American Airlines saved $40,000 in 1987 by eliminating one olive from each salad served in first-class.


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How are rainbows made?

Rainbows are a result of the sun's white light being broken up into it's component colors through the prism of a raindrop. This division of white light into its component colors is called Dispersion. The light is often double-reflected on either side of the raindrop before exiting and headed your way. The color of a light wave see depends on the frequency of the light wave entering your eyes.

This explains why we see the colors of a rainbow, but how come all the colors line up next to each other? Since different frequency light waves bounce and reflect differently meaning that the different colors line up coming at a slightly different angle from each other. (note: the frequency of a wave is the number of cycles of a wave to pass some point in one second. )


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What is that light coming from that firefly?

A firefly's flashing light is radiated by the oxidation of the chemical, Luciferin. The purpose for the flashing light is mating, warning and as a way of defense for the firefly.


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What is a radio wave?

Radio waves are the radiation and detection of a range of frequency of electromagnetic waves. Frequency is the number of wavelengths that pass a particular point in one second and for radio waves the frequency is from 3 kHz to 300 GHz. Radio waves like all electromagnetic waves are able to carry information through space. Radio waves can travel unimpeded through objects like buildings or people but light waves can not. This is because radio waves have a very long wavelength allowing them to pass through objects that have shorter wavelengths like you and me without problem.


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Black, white or color?

Black and white are generally not labeled as colors. Black is the result of absence of color and white is all colors mixed together.


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The efficiency of converting sunlight to electricity in pv cells

The company SunPower in 2008 announced 22% efficiency converting light to electricity. Current high-performance panels, on average, convert about 20 percent of the light that strikes it into electricity. Conventional silicon solar panels convert about 14 to 17 percent of light.

The theoretical maximum is around 26 to 27 percent, although some have said it could go slightly higher.

Reference: http://www.news.com/8301-10784_3-6114383-7.html

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Are some bees nocturnal?

There are four bee families, Andrenidae, Colletidae, Halictidae and Apidae that have greatly enlarged ocellis (one type of eye), which are extremely sensitive to light. This causes them to be active only at dusk or in the early evening.


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Who performed the first systematic, scientific study of lightning?

During the second half of the 18th century, Ben Franklin was the one who began the scientific study of lightning. He designed an experiment which conclusively proved the electrical nature of lightning. The experiment revealed that clouds are electrically charged so began his journey into lightning. Learn more here.


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